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Stock the Bar Party

  • Saturday, August 19, 2017
  • 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • River View, 14931 Sandy Point Rd., Charles City


Registration is closed

Help us Stock the Land Owner's Bar for the year!
Our goal is that this party will supply all the wine and liquor needed throughout the year. We are keeping it simple and casual, with a delicious summertime menu and non-alcoholic beverages.

Your ticket in (as a member or guest per person) is:
a handle of your favorite Vodka, Gin, Bourbon and/or Wine. 

Please note that the goal of this event is to stock our Landowner's Bar so we can provide libations for members and landowners at events throughout this upcoming season. If you prefer to drink something other than what is on our menu, please feel free to BYOB. Please RSVP by Monday, August 14th.

In exchange, you'll enjoy amazing views of the river, great friends, and delicious food -- just like last year!

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