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Closing Meet Hunt

  • Saturday, March 10, 2018
  • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Sherwood Forest Plantation ~ 14501 John Tyler Memorial Hwy, Charles City, Virginia 23030


There WILL BE a formal hunt breakfast following closing meet. 

Closing Meet Hunt:

This ends our formal hunting season and is considered a "High Holy Day," where time-honored traditions are brought to life and great merriment is shared.

To clarify expectations and ensure a happy, successful hunt, we have assembled a few reminders for you to keep in mind:

Important Notes:

· You MUST get permission for any guest rider(s) prior to Saturday from the PAH Masters. (

·  Dues MUST be paid and up to date prior to hunting. 

· Please arrive no later than 8:45 to check in with Honorary Secretary Christine Sweet; riders should be mounted by 9:15.

· Your trailer will be stopped before you park to check for the following: Coggins, hunt license and waiver for you and your guest(s). (

· If you complete the waiver form, you will bypass the need to supply copies of hunt licenses or Coggins. (

· Horses and Riders should arrive neat and clean. Boots should be polished.

· Saddle pads should be white and saddle shaped, not square.

Please keep in mind that each of us represent Princess Anne Hunt at all hunt functions. The way we present ourselves and our horses is a reflection on all of us. Proper turnout also respects the generous Landowners who allow us to hunt on their property and make our sport possible.

For further detail regarding proper turnout and hunt etiquette, please see the Etiquette and Attire guidelines on our website.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We hope to see you at Opening Meet!

Ed Mitchell, MFH

Dee Dee Mausteller, MFH

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